
At First Impressions, we’re all about providing you with affordable, top-quality products. Our Stool Eating Deterrent Soft Chews for Dogs are no exception. They are easy to use and can be enjoyed as a tasty treat or added to your regular meals. The vibrant colors and fun packaging make it a product that your pet parents will enjoy using while ensuring your health and well-being.

Why settle for a product that only tackles one part of the problem? Our soft chews not only help you stop coprophagia but also provide a range of benefits to support your digestive health. We believe in leaving a good first impression, and that includes taking care of your health and well-being. So, dear dogs, trust First Impressions to provide you with the best products that your pet parents can rely on. Let’s put an end to coprophagia and enjoy a healthier, happier life together!

Categories: SKU: GP1182

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First Impressions Poop Snacker Soft Chews for Dogs – Stop Stool Eating and Promote Fresh Breath – Digestive Support with Breath Freshener – 60 ct

Listen up, dogs! We know you have the best pet parents who want nothing but the best for you, and that’s why we, at First Impressions, have created our Potty Mouth Soft Chews. These chews are specially crafted to help dogs of all ages kick the unpleasant habit of stool eating, also known as coprophagia.

Coprophagia is unsanitary and unpleasant and can also be a sign of underlying health issues or poor diet. We understand the importance of stopping this behavior to ensure your overall well-being and keep you healthy and happy.

Our soft chews are packed with high-quality ingredients like yucca schidigera, parsley leaf (yes, it freshens breath, too!), and our special enzyme blend. These ingredients work together to support your digestive health and reduce unpleasant pet odors. We’ve added breath freshener, enzymes, and probiotics to keep your digestive system in top shape and your breath smelling great.

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More about this product

First Impressions Poop Snacker Soft Chews for Dogs – Stop Stool Eating and Promote Fresh Breath – Digestive Support with Breath Freshener – 60 ct

Listen up, dogs! We know you have the best pet parents who want nothing but the best for you, and that’s why we, at First Impressions, have created our Potty Mouth Soft Chews. These chews are specially crafted to help dogs of all ages kick the unpleasant habit of stool eating, also known as coprophagia.

Coprophagia is unsanitary and unpleasant and can also be a sign of underlying health issues or poor diet. We understand the importance of stopping this behavior to ensure your overall well-being and keep you healthy and happy.

Our soft chews are packed with high-quality ingredients like yucca schidigera, parsley leaf (yes, it freshens breath, too!), and our special enzyme blend. These ingredients work together to support your digestive health and reduce unpleasant pet odors. We’ve added breath freshener, enzymes, and probiotics to keep your digestive system in top shape and your breath smelling great.


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